Friday, 9 December 2011

We are the champions!!

At the very first time I mentioned the Blogject in this class, Diego came up with the idea of the post. Everybody laughed and approved it right away. So, we started to work, looking for funny pictures in the web and drafting the first sentences... What is amazing is that, the more we moved forward, the funnier it got. Every Friday somebody would bring new pictures and videos and as we opened them to select the best ones for the post, we had loads of fun!
On one of these funny Fridays, Rosane brought to class the brilliant idea of using the famous Che Guevara's sentence "Hay que endurecerse pero sin perder la ternura jamás" and we decided to use it for the title of the post. After the post was published, Rose started to comment on the other blogs of the Project in order to promote their post, and some of the students also published its link in blogs and sites about sports. After all, winning the prize was not just a matter of competition. It was a product of team work, some sweat, and a lot of good humour. I hope all the readers who commented on your post could have some of the fun we had while producing it.

Adriana, Camila, Cita, Diego, Paulini, Rayene, Rebeca, Rodrigo, Rosane, Rosilene and Zeni, I hope you have enjoyed doing the Blogject as much as I did. Congratulations for the excellent job!! And thanks for the unforgettably funny Friday mornings!

All the best,
Your proud teacher
Vanessa Paiva